Member Care
The Member Care Directorate is responsible for serving and providing direct care for the members of Dominion International Center, both spiritually and in time of need. Our desire is to share the love of Jesus Christ with our members.
This ministry is responsible for welcoming guest, follow-up, helping new members get established in DIC, and ensuring continued spiritual growth of all members. Member care directorate is also responsible for Hospitality, counseling, as well as being the first point of contact for emergencies.
Ministries in this directorate include:
Water Baptism
Hospital Visit
Baby Naming Ceremony
Baby Dedication
House & Business Dedication
Hospitality Team
Follow-Up Team
Here at DIC we care for you. If you need a personal time of counseling, have an urgent prayer request, need someone to agree with on a matter or need to make an appoinment to see the pastor. Call 24/7 323-345-1290.